Friday, 6 April 2012

police officers under investigation for racism

Out of 130.000 police officers they say that they have fewer than 20 under investigation for racism. This would suggest one of four things.
1. The police are offering these people up in an attempt to appease the complaints in the hope that it will all get quickly forgotten by the people.
2. This is the very tip if the iceberg reflecting yet another part of a police regime that is acting without the consent of the people and conspiring against the People of the UK in collusion with a corrupt government and corporate interests that are is acting against the people of these lands.
The third option would seem to be the least likely
3. These incidents are reflecting that it is a minority of police officers that are acting in this way, so much so that they have only found around 20 officers worth investigating.
4. This is yet another underhanded attempt to incite even more racial problems within communities resulting directly from a deliberate lack of accountability or transparency by the law, the independent police complaints commission , or the police force itself.

There are 2 types of law; statute laws made by governments and judges and sanctioned by the queen, these laws predominantly criminalise people whilst gaining funds for the states vaults.
These are all infringement of human rights and have nothing to do with our common laws. The common laws are that of understanding, common sense, respect and integrity.

The police are sworn to oath, that being that they will uphold the laws, the peace and the rights of the people.
It is about time that policing reflected the common laws and not that of state.
It is high time that the police upheld the rights of the people.
Peace and balance will only come about when true integrity is put in place.
The government is supposed to represent the majority of people, we are ruled by consent but we have not given our consent to any of this unconstitutional rulings and behavior.
The police are public servants, but they are not acting on behalf of the people, far from it they are acting on behalf of a corrupt government company that is masquerading as a representative of the people.
They would all like for you to forget, the MPs expenses, the bankers bonuses, the sale of our heritage, the rising tide of unemployment, the widening gap between the rich and the poor, the privatisation of the NHS, the Houses involvement in acts of genocide and crimes against humanity, along with crimes against peace.
They would like for you all to look at the Olympics and how we are all benefitting, whilst they creaming the money with their corporate friends and hierarchy, get your tickets from America, go to China to buy your official 2012 Olympic merchandise. They would like you all to forget their shoot to kill policy kratos.
They would love to have secret kangaroo trials, with zero transparency or accountability.
The questions should be where is the justice, where is the law? Are the police not in dereliction of their duty and oath? Why are the people and their rights not being defended to the hilt? This ongoing criminal behaviour is both against UK citizens and the Country. Why are these breakers of laws and protocols being allowed to continue their unlawful, unjust, unconstitutional activity? It is time that the books were put in order and all those brought to book to answer to the people. People throughout history have made great sacrifices for others; we must not allow them to sacrifice ourselves for their greed. We must not allow the 1% to enslave us all. We must sack this unjust government.

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